Conservation Actions

No conservation actions are in place. Research is urgently needed into the species' distribution and ecology. Site level protections and habitat restoration efforts are necessary to preserve the species if it is still extant. Should the species be recorded, ex-situ conservation efforts are advised.

Location Information

This species is only known to occur at its type locality in the Pahang River, Mentakab district, Peninsular Malaysia (Deein et al. 2014). Research into the distribution of this species is urgently needed.

Geographic Range



Population Information

The species is only known from its type locality and was last collected in 1933. Surveys conducted between 2016 and 2018 failed to record the species at its type locality. Its range is poorly understood, but it is likely to have been extirpated from its type locality. Additional surveys should be conducted upstream and downstream of the type locality to determine if additional subpopulations are present in the area. Based on the lack of collections in this area, it is unlikely that the population exceeds 50 mature individuals. The population trend of the species is unknown.


Habitat degradation and pollution are common within the species' presumed range and may impact population levels. Agricultural and urban development may lead to increased runoff, and introduction of pollutants into river systems in the area. Upstream logging in the area has caused significant sedimentation in the Pahang river (A. Ahmad pers. comm. 2019). Further study is needed to determine the impact of potential threats on the species.

IUCN Red List Account Link

Please click here to see the species' IUCN Red List Account page.