Conservation Actions

Much of the information on this species stems from taxonomic descriptions and personal communication from local people. Systematic scientific assessments or observations could not be made because the species has not been encountered by researchers or research teams since 1978. If rediscovered, this species should be subject to high conservation priority that includes research into its population, biology, ecology, ex-situ conservation and threat management.

Location Information

This species is endemic to Lake Poso (323 km2) in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia (Larson 2001).

Geographic Range

Possibly Extinct


Population Information

Specimens of this species were last collected in 1978 (Larson 2001). This species is now thought to be possibly extinct. It is unclear if population declines in this species are ongoing or if the population never recovered after an initial decline in the 1980's. In 2012 and 2013, local people at Lake Poso reported that this species is still occasionally encountered albeit in low numbers (Larson et al. 2014). The population size is likely to not exceed 50 mature individuals, as systematic sampling carried out prior to 2011 yielded no specimens (Z. Jaafar pers. comm. 2019) .


This species has not been scientifically recorded since 1978 and is thought to be possibly extinct. Its potential disappearance is thought to be attributed to volcanic and tectonic activities that occurred within the region in 1983, as local people reported large numbers of lake species being washed ashore in drifts that may have been caused by gasses being released within the lake (Larson 2001, Larson et al. 2014). Population declines may also be linked to the introduction of invasive species circa 1978 including 'ikan lele' (catfish Clarias species) as well as predatory Channa and Osphronemus, along with their associated diseases and parasites (Kottelat and Whitten 1996, Harrison and Stiassny 1999, Larson 2001). Additionally, this species was exploited as a fishery resource, where it was caught using long lines from central areas of the lake during the dry season and by using a variety of nets from the shore during aggregate spawning events over the wet season (Larson 2001). If still extant, fishing activities would now pose a threat to this species.

IUCN Red List Account Link

Please click here to see the species' IUCN Red List Account page.